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Get a healthier home...

With today's tightly sealed, well-insulated homes, the air inside your house can sometimes be more polluted than the air outside.


Here are several possible inside home pollutants:

Dust is a harmful indoor allergen that contains particles of dust mites, chemicals, outdoor minerals, insect parts, dander, fungi, and bacteria.  Inhaling dust can trigger allergies and asthma.
Viruses in the home can be caused by fungus in mattresses and pillows, parasites, indoor pests, and a variety of microorganisms that are found in homes.
Cat and dog dander is a leading allergen that triggers asthma.  Dander is found in carpets, beds, and every place in the home that is visited by an animial.  
Lint and Dust Mites
Dust mite waste triggers asthma.  Dust mites are found in 90% of all homes.  47% of all bedding in North America contains enough dust mite allergen to trigger asthma.  
Plants and trees release pollen that often gets into the home through open windows and doors.  Pollen causes headaches, hay fever, and triggers allergies and asthma.
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that is caused by clogged fireplaces and faulty heating systems.  The odorless gas causes nausea, dizziness, headaches, and over exposure can be lethal.  
Cooking Odors
Frying, grilling, or toasting foods with gas and electric appliances creates particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds.  The right ventilation is important when cooking.
A variety of serious illnesses can be caused by bacteria that is found in polluted water drains, air ducts, water supply systems, contaminated food, fungus in mattresses, and pillows, and anyplace where moisture occurs.
Noise Pollution
Most of us are used to noises such as loud music or the television.  However, when the noise keeps us awake or disrupts the natural rhythm of life makes for one solid pollutant.  New systems are now much quieter.
High Humidity
Bugs thrive in humid conditions. Dust mites especially love the warmer temperatures  and high humidity levels of 70-80%.  The lower the humidity level, the healthier you're home will be.
Chemical fumes or smoke
Visible particles are released from both cleaners in your home and from smoking.  Both of these types of fumes will have resounding effects on your health when inhaled.  
Dry Air 
Breathing dry air has several potential hazards including asthma, bronchitis, and sinusitis.  Dry air can cause skin irritations as well as static electricity. Your home needs a good balance of humidity.
Radon is an odorless gas. It enters a home from the ground through a crack in the foundation or floor.  Radon causes 20,000 deaths each year.  Radon is more prevalent in the Northern U.S.
Toxic Mold
Plumbing leaks and any source of moisture can cause toxic mold.  Diseases associated with toxic molds are leukemia, kidney, esophagus, and liver cancer.  
  • Would you like your system to have a humidifier to maintain comfortable, energy saving humidity levels during the dry heating months?

    • It is recommended that indoor humidity levels maintained in the 40%-60% range.  Too little moisture in your home can cause the following conditions:

      • Increased personal discomfort​

      • Increased breeding ground for viruses

      • Cracked paint and plaster

      • Increased static electricity damage

      • Dried out wood floors and furniture

  • Would you like your system to effectively control humidity for greater comfort, better air quality and lower energy bills?

    • Too much humidity can create a breeding ground for bacteria, mold, and dust mites.  It may also aggravate allergies and asthma.  

humidity levels
  • What type of filter is in your home?

    • A standard one-inch filter captures less than 5% of the particles in the air.  This leaves the other 95% to pollute indoor air, contaminate duct work, and reduce the efficiency of your heating and cooling equipment.   

    • 99% of the particles in the air are not visible to the naked eye.  These are the particles that are most dangerous to your health.

      • Aggravating allergies and asthma​

      • Contributing to colds and flu

Particle Size Chart

particle size chart
  • Would you like to minimize the spread of microbes, bacteria and viruses throughout your home?

    • The following can grow on the indoor cooling coil and circulate throughout the home:  bacteria, mold, and fungus.

    • Ultraviolet Germicidal Lights can kill these living organisms and help prevent microbial growth on the indoor coil.  It can also help prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses into your home through ductwork.

  • Would you like to bring in fresh air and exhaust stale air without the wasted energy and discomfort of an open window

    • A ventilator will help dilute: cooking odors, pet odors, and odors from paints and chemicals.  

    • Ventilator benefits include: odor dilution, introduction of fresh, outside air, and it reduces energy loss to a minimum.  

  • There are several levels of thermostat functionality.

    • Programmable vs. Non-Programmable thermostats can reduce the energy used for air conditioning or heating by 5%to 30%

  • Would you like to independently control the temperature in specific areas of your home?

    • Zoning is a way of dividing a home into areas with similar heating and cooling needs and independently controlling the temperature in each area according to their needs and occupancy.  Much like multiple light switches that independently control lighting in different rooms, with zoning, multiple zone thermostats or sensors control temperature in different areas of the home.

    • Are you a candidate for zone?  If you answer "yes" to any of the following questions, you should consider a zoning system.

      • Are different family members comfortable at different temperatures?

      • Are any rooms used for special purposes, such as a home office or exercise room?

      • Are any rooms seldom used, such as a formal dining room or a guest bedroom?

      • Do you have any rooms that have unique cooling and heating needs, such as a sunroom or bonus room?

  • Are you interested in a variable speed system?

    • Systems with variable speed blower motors have significant advantages over single speed systems.

Greater Comfort
  • Reduced room temperature fluctuation
  • Better humidity control
  • Quieter operation due to motor ramping up and down slowly vs. on/off
Improved Indoor Air Quality
  • Air cleaners only filter the air when the blower is on--variable speed can run continuously for just pennies a day
Save Money
  • Lower energy bills
  • Improves system heating and cooling performance
  • Energy Star rated
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B&L Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.

1907 W. McMurtry

Stillwater, OK  74075

405.372.COOL (2665)

License #75951

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